
Thursday, September 30, 2021

Vaginal Yeast Infection


Yeast or Fungal infection in the vagina is a very common condition affecting almost every 3out of 5 woman, in most cases it is generally a mild infection and can be easily treated but sometimes it keeps on reoccurring. 

Presenting Features

- Itching and irritation in the vaginal and vulvar region.

-Burning and discomfort at the time of intercourse. 

- Thick, white, cottage cheese like vaginal discharge which is usually not foul smelling. 

If the infection occurs more than 4 times in a year it is considered to be a complicated case.

Why Does It Occur? 

Normally in the vagina there is normal flora (normal healthy bacteria) that help prevent many infections, sometimes due to certain conditions this normal flora is reduced and this can lead to growth of fungus. Candida albicans is the most common fungal infection affecting the vagina. The conditions commonly leading to fungal infection are.


-Any immunocompromised state like acute or chronic illness, generalized body weakness etc. 

-Use of antibiotics


-Taking oral contraceptive pills or any hormonal medicines

-Use of silk panties.

- Using scented pads or tampons.

- Excessive sweating in warm conditions.

-Staying in a wet panty for a long time. 

- Stress

Yeast infection is not sexually transmitted and can even occur in unmarried girls or those who are not sexually active. 

How To Treat

Most cases are treated by using a local antifungal cream or pessary that can be used for 1 to 6 days. 

Sometimes oral antifungal treatment is also prescribed. 

Avoid taking unnecessary antibiotics like for common cold etc

Get tested for diabetes and treat and control blood sugar levels

Sunday, September 12, 2021

Dietary Guidelines For Pregnant Ladies

Pregnancy is a normal physiological condition during which a baby is growing inside the mother's womb. There are different hormonal changes causing taste changes, food cravings and associated nausea, vomiting or gastrointestinal issues. During pregnancy the nutritional requirements are increased to meet the demands of the body for proper growth and development of the baby. 

Positive nutritional support during pregnancy leads to a good outcome for both mother and baby. 

Eating a balanced diet is very important and never think of starving yourself to avoid weight gain during pregnancy. 

A basic guideline is given is given below: 

- Consume a diet containing vegetables, fruits, and whole grains. 

- Take Vitamin supplements as prescribed by your doctor.

- Vitamin A containing supplement should be avoided especially during the first 3 months. 

- Drink 1-2 cups of fresh milk daily. If you like drinking flavored milk you can enjoy adding your preferred flavors.

- Avoid caffeine containing drinks. 

- Soak 7-9 almonds overnight and eat them with 3 dates in morning. 

- Take a cup of yogurt with bread or parahata (Asian bread ) 

- Eggs are safe and good source of protein. Take in any form you like boiled, omellete etc. 

- Oatmeal is healthy and helps with preventing constipation. 

- Morning sickness is common during the first 3 months, to prevent vomiting don't stay with an empty stomach, take some crackers or wheat biscuits' when you wake up in the morning. 

- Avoid taking too much liquid during mealtimes.

- Avoid foods with strong odors. 

- Drink coconut water or lemon drink whenever easily available.

- Eat proper meals containing meat, vegetables or lentils . Take small frequent meals if you face any digestive issues. 

- Totally avoid soft drinks. 

- No alcohol and No smoking. 

- Drink 8-10 glasses of water daily. 

- Avoid spicy and oily foods.

- Diet needs to be modified if you suffer from any other medical condition or gestational diabetes.

Have a safe and heathy pregnancy.