
Sunday, April 23, 2017

Causes Of Pleural Effusion

Pleural effusion
is a condition in which there is abnormal fluid accumulation in the layers of tissues that line the lung and the chest cavity. 

There are a number of causes that may lead to pleural effusion. Some of them are briefly described as follows:

1. Congestive Heart failure: It is one of the most common causes in which because of deficient pumping by the heart the body cannot handle fluids properly leading to collection in the pleural spaces.

2. Pneumonia: In which later the fluid may get infected leading to empyma or abscess.

3. Liver disease Or Cirrhosis

5. Nephrotic Syndrome: due to low blood protein counts

6. End stage renal disease

7. Cancer

8. Pulmonary embolism

9. Blockage in the blood vessels or the lympahtic flow.

10. Hypoalbuminemia

11. Tuberculosis .

12. Trauma etc

When ever Pleural effusion is suspected it is important to find out the etiology so that treatment can be given accordingly.

Trasudative pleural Effusion: The cause of transudative pleural effusion is increased fuid leaking into the pleural space secondary to increased pressure in the blood vessels or low protein count. Conditions leading to this type of effusion are congestive heart failure and nephrotic syndrome.

Exudative Pleural Effusion: The cause of exudative pleural effusion is a local process like infection or inflammation that leads to increased capillary permeability and exudation of fluid, protein, inflammatory cells and other serum constituents. Conditions causing this type of effusion are tuberculosis, pneumonia etc.

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