
Sunday, June 18, 2017

Paracentesis - Procedure Technique

is a procedure to take out fluid that has collected in the abdomen the peritoneal fluid. This fluid buildup is called ascites Ascites may be caused by infection, inflammation, an injury, or other conditions, such as cirrhosis or cancer. The fluid is taken out using a long, thin needle put through the belly. The fluid is sent to a lab and studied to find the cause of the fluid buildup.
Removal and analysis of peritoneal fluid is important in evaluating patients with new onset ascites or ascites of unknown etiology. It is also indicated in patients with known ascites who have a decompensation in their clinical status.

Relative contraindications include

  • bleeding diathesis, 
  • prior abdominal surgery,
  •  distended bowel, or 
  • known loculated ascites.
Preparation Before the Procedure; 
  • Prior to performing a paracentesis, any severe bleeding diathesis should be corrected.
  • Bowel distention should also be relieved by placement of a NG tube, and the bladder should also be emptied before beginning the procedure. 
  • If a large-volume paracentesis is being performed, large vacuum bottles with the appropriate connecting tubing should be obtained.
Proper patient positioning greatly improves the ease with which a paracentesis can be performed. The patient should be instructed to lie supine with the head of the bed elevated to 45°. This position should be maintained for appx. 15 min to allow ascitic fluid to accumulate in the dependent portion of the abdomen. Although not generally needed, ultrasound can be helpful for documenting ascites and identifying the locations of peritoneal fluid.

The preferred entry site for paracentesis is a midline puncture halfway between the pubic symphysis and the umbilicus; this correlates with the location of the relatively avascular linea alba. The midline puncture should be avoided if there is a previous midline surgical scar, because neovascularization may have occurred. 
Alternative sites of entry include the lower quadrants, lateral to the rectus abdominis, but caution should be used to avoid collateral blood vessels that may have formed in patients with portal hypertension.

The skin is prepped and draped in a sterile fashion. The skin, the subcutaneous tissue, and the abdominal wall down to the peritoneum should be infiltrated with an anesthetic agent. The paracentesis needle with an attached syringe is then introduced in the midline perpendicular to the skin. To prevent leaking of ascitic fluid, “Z-tracking” can sometimes be helpful: After penetrating the skin, the needle is inserted 1–2 cm before advancing further. The needle is then advanced slowly
while continuous aspiration is performed. As the peritoneum is pierced, the needle will “give” noticeably. Fluid should flow freely into the syringe soon thereafter. 

For a diagnostic paracentesis, removal of 50 mL of ascitic fluid is adequate. 

For a large volume paracentesis, direct drainage into large vacuum containers using connecting tubing is a commonly utilized option.

After all samples have been collected, the paracentesis needle should be removed and firm pressure applied to the puncture site.

Specimen Collection:
Peritoneal fluid should be sent for cell count with differential, Gram stain, and bacterial cultures. Albumin measurement of ascitic fluid is also necessary for calculating the serum–ascitic albumin gradient. Depending on the clinical scenario, other studies that can be obtained include mycobacterial cultures, amylase, adenosine deaminase, triglycerides, and cytology.

Post- Procedure:
The patient should be monitored carefully after paracentesis and should be instructed to lie supine in bed for several hours. If persistent fluid leakage occurs, continued bed rest with pressure dressings at the puncture site can be helpful. 
For patients with hepatic dysfunction undergoing large-volume paracentesis, the sudden reduction in
intravascular volume can precipitate hepatorenal syndrome. Administration of 25-g IV albumin following large-volume paracentesis has been shown to decrease the incidence of post-procedure renal failure. 
Finally, if the ascites fluid analysis shows evidence of spontaneous bacterial peritonitis, then antibiotics (directed toward gram-negative gut bacteria) and IV albumin should be administered as soon as possible.

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