
Saturday, August 21, 2021

Positioning A Baby While Breast Feeding


Breastfeeding your baby is always encouraged but at times new mothers find it difficult and face a lot of problems which in the end results in giving up and switching to formula.

Proper positioning the baby is very important for breastfeeding and to prevent problems later on.

How to position a baby while breast feeding  depends on the choice and comfort of both mother and baby. No matter which position is used it is important to make sure that

-         The baby’s whole body is supported

-         Baby’s body is facing and is close to the breast

-         Baby’s neck is straight. (not turned or twisted)

-         Baby approaches the breast and nose is in line with the nipple.

While Breast feeding it is very important that

-Mother is comfortable and relaxed.

She should know and learn how to support the breast while feeding. Baby’s lips should be first touched with the nipple and then wait for the baby to widely open the mouth so that nipple along with areola goes in and baby starts sucking.

Five Possible Positions

1.   Cradle Position: The mother cradles the baby in her arm. The baby should be held close to the mother’s body, with the forearm supporting the baby’ head. For mother’s comfort she may want to support the cradling arm with a pillow or her other arm.

2.   Cross Cradle: The mother cradles the baby in her arm. Her hand is supporting the baby’s head and neck.

3.   Football Hold: The mother is sitting or leaning back and the baby is under her arm with feet pointing back. The mother support the baby’s head and neck with her hand and a pillow may be used to support the baby in this position.

4.   Side lying position: Mother is lying on her side and baby lies on its side facing the mother. Mother supports the baby’s head and neck with her hand or a pillow.

5.   Supine Position: The mother is lying on her back with the baby lying face down on the mother’s chest. Mother’s hand supports the baby’s head on her breast. This position is useful immediately after a c section.

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